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Polymer AM market by region 2023

Polymer Additive Manufacturing market by region

Additive Manufacturing market by region for suppliers and buyers

The market analysis segmented by regions will provide insights into the current state and outlook of the polymer Additive Manufacturing market for the different areas of the world.
The regions of interest are mostly categorized into the groups of the Americas (AMER), the Asia Pacific region (APAC) consisting of East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Oceania as well as the group of Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA).

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Polymer AM market by technology 2023

Polymer Additive Manufacturing market by technology

Industrial polymer Additive Manufacturing market by technology

Currently 17 different polymer Additive Manufacturing technologies are commercially available. Many of them in an early market penetration stage looking for fast growth and increasing market share.

Filament Based Material Extrusion continuous to lead the way in polymer Additive Manufacturing. The technology is expected to continue to dominate the installed base in the future. However, other technologies will gain share in the next five years and thus further diversify the market. Vendors of new and upcoming technologies report strong interest from the market and have hence high growth expectations for the next years.

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Polymer AM market by industry 2023

Polymer Additive Manufacturing market by industry

Polymer AM has been established as the go to technology in some industries

Various industries have successfully adopted polymer Additive Manufacturing. Consumer Goods and Automotive are using the freedom of AM to increase the comfort of their products by designing lattice structures.
The AMPOWER Report clusters industries into the categories of “Civil Aviation, Turbines, Helicopters”, “Defense” “Space” “Automotive, Motorsports, Trucks, Buses”, “Energy, Powerplants”, “Oil, Gas”, “Medical”, “Dental”, “Industrial”, “Tooling, Molding”, “Naval, Rail”, “Part Manufacturing Suppliers”, “High Tech”, “Research Institutions”, “Consumer Goods” and “Others”. The following chapter will describe the polymer Additive Manufacturing market from the perspective of these verticals.

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Innovations in AM software 2023

Innovations in Additive Manufacturing Software

What are the AM software innovations in 2023?

Additive Manufacturing experiences massive growth and is considered to be one of the key technologies on the path of digitalization and industry 4.0. The ability of manufacturing parts directly from a CAD file enables mass-customization and on-demand production. Software is the key in design generation and processing of production data.

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Region APAC 2023

Region APAC

Regional reports from APAC experts

The APAC region generally covers Australia, the far east asian countries such as Japan and China as well as India. While Japan entered the Additive Manufacturing market much later than others, China is currently one of the largest players in the gloal industry. This report section covers regional reports of contributing local authors, who each are experts in the characteristicy of the regional Additive Manufacturing landscape.

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Benjamin Haller

Benjamin Haller Benjamin Haller has supported companies in the adoption of Additive Manufacturing for over 7 years. He has worked for several equipment manufacturers, feedstock suppliers and end users of different metal and polymer technologies in Germany, Sweden and France. His current focus is on helping companies increase the use of AM by educating designers […]

Region EMEA 2023

Region EMEA 2023

Regional report from EMEA experts

The EMEA region generally covers Europe, Russia, the african continent and the middle East. Europe is one of the birth regions of Additive Manufacturing while in the middle east, Israel is a hotspot for startups in new technologies. This report section covers regional reports of contributing local authors, who each are experts in the characteristicy of the regional Additive Manufacturing landscape.

3d printing market by region

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Region AMER 2023

Region AMER 2023

Regional reports from AMER experts

The AMER region generally covers the USA, Canada and the south american countries including Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. Historically, the USA was the more active region in the polymer Additive Manufacturing field compared with Europe. Lateley, new emerging sinter-based metal Additive Manufacturing technologies predominentaly come from US based companies. This report section covers regional reports of contributing local authors, who each are experts in the characteristicy of the regional Additive Manufacturing landscape.

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“COHERENT is a global leader in materials, optics, lasers and photonics solutions used in a wide range of markets and material processing applications. As a highly innovative company, we need to keep track of emerging manufacturing technologies such as Additive Manufacturing. The AMPOWER Report has proven to be a comprehensive and reliable source of market […]


“Additive Manufacturing is a key strategic component of NIKON’s vision for Digital Manufacturing. With their market and technology expertise, AMPOWER has proven to be a valuable asset for our investment decision making processes.” Hamid Zarringhalam Corporate Vice President – Nikon Corporation CEO – Nikon Ventures Corporation