Metal AM industrialization 2025

Metal Additive Manufacturing degree of industrialization

Industry pushes industrialization efforts

The degree of industrialization of metal Additive Manufacturing is assessed in the following by the average utilization of machine capacity at users as well as the type of product the users manufacture in their specific vertical.
AMPOWER differentiates between 20 metal Additive Manufacturing technologies. While each technology is at a different stage of technological and industrial maturity, every industry has developed to a different level as well.
Medical and Dental have fully embraced metal Additive Manufacturing and have started with the production of end parts since more than a decade ago. Extensive knowledge on qualification of production equipment and validation of production processes was gained by the players in these industries. Paired with excellent business cases, the healthcare industries profit from use of metal AM and can be regarded as main driver for the industrialization of the technology.

Courtesy of Waldemar Link

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