1. AMPOWER Report
  2. AM Application Catalogue
  3. Applications
  4. SMR TT Hybrid Glenoid

SMR TT Hybrid Glenoid

SMR TT Hybrid Glenoid
Category: Applications
  • User: LimaCorporate
  • Industry: Medical
  • Material: Titanium
  • Technology: Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion
  • Classification: Qualified end part

The peg of the SMR TT Hybrid Glenoid is converted to a reverse configuration using the SMR Shoulder System by LimaCorporate. The implant is produced since 2017 on EB-PBF machines. Benefits of using the AM process are in the lattice structure, which is created as a continuum and not as a coating. The lattice structure enhances the bone ingrowth and reduces the elastic modulus transition. Courtesy of LimaCorporate.