Additive Manufacturing market 2025

Metal and polymer AM market size 2020 to 2024 and 2029

Additive Manufacturing grows amid challenges

The overall industrial Additive Manufacturing market, including metal and polymer equipment, materials, and part manufacturing services, is valued at EUR 10.72 billion in 2024, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.0 % until 2029. Looking ahead, the metal market is projected to grow faster, at about twice the rate of the polymer market until 2029.

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Metal and polymer equipment revenue 2020 to 2024 and 2029

Challenging year for equipment suppliers

Additive Manufacturing system suppliers have sold machines with a value of EUR xx billion last year, a decline of xx %.
The largest market in the world for Additive Manufacturing products and services is the United States of America. The system sales revenue of metal and polymer machines in the US totaled to EUR xx billion and grew by more than xx % year-on-year.

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Metal and polymer equipment revenue by customer location 2022 to 2024 and 2029

High revenue location in specific regions

The industrial AM equipment market faced a challenging year in 2024. The 3D printing industry giants 3D SYSTEMS and STRATASYS both reported declining revenue with losses in the millions.
Throughout 2024, 3D SYSTEMS, STRATASYS, NANO DIMENSION, and DESKTOP METAL were actively engaged in take-over bids or merger offers towards each other, activities that underline the pressure for consolidation in the market. Additionally, it could be assumed, that the constant noise around hostile take-overs and merger rumors have not been beneficial to their commercial success in 2024.

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The download of the data is only available with an Enterprise license.

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Metal and polymer equipment revenue by industry 2022 to 2024 and 2029

Adoption and stagnation

The XXX and XXX sectors have seen robust growth of xx% over the past two years. Contrarily, the growth of AM equipment in the XXX sector has stagnated. While prototyping, tooling, and support in production with jigs and fixtures have found their place, the industry lacks large-scale series applications to drive further adoption.

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Metal and polymer equipment revenue by technology 2022 to 2024 and 2029

Dominant technologies stay ahead

While not all principles reach necessary maturity to be industrialized and to make a significant impact, the ever-lasting drive for innovation continues. Consequently, the number of Additive Manufacturing technologies continuously increases. The numerous startups play an important role to push technological boundaries and commercialize innovative solutions to enable wider use of AM.

Metal and polmyer part manufacturing market pricing 2024

Metal part prices decline, while polymer sees slight rise

Based on an assessment of instant quotes from global online marketplaces, AMPOWER analyzes the part manufacturing market pricing developments each year for six major AM technology and material pairings.
Pricing requests are made for different part geometries and order volumes. The data reveals a significant price reduction for orders of up to around 100 parts. For standard applications, the price continues to decrease until the order volume surpasses 1,000 parts, where it reaches its lowest point.
Previous analyses have shown that at these dimensions, additional pricing factors typically associated with very small or very large parts, such as extra handling costs, are minimized. For the analysis, no additional post-processing treatments have been requested, except for the removal of supports and excess powder. Additionally, the pricing excludes shipment fees, taxes, or currency exchange costs.
The analysis includes six different technology-material combinations that are most commonly offered on international online quoting portals.
In the polymer segment, the analysis focuses on three different technologies.
The data is sourced from over 120 online quoting portals with instant ordering functions. These portals represent part manufacturing suppliers located in over 30 countries.

Overall, part manufacturing suppliers offered lower prices for printing metal components in 2024 compared to the previous year. Increased competition, combined with overcapacity due to a lack of orders, appeared to drive prices down. Additionally, heightened competition from China led to further price reductions. AMPOWER estimates that L-PBF systems when purchased domestically in China are sold at significant discounts, up to 50% or more, compared to list prices in Western markets. This has of course direct effect on the hourly rates and the part cost.

Material Extrusion of ABS saw a significant reduction in pricing, with the average price in 2024 being around xx % lower year-over-year. This price decrease can be attributed to the increased use of low-cost machines among suppliers. Some suppliers base their calculations on industrial-grade equipment, which requires investments exceeding EUR 100,000 per unit, while others rely on semi-professional desktop printers, which require investments below EUR 10,000.