Polymer AM market size 2022

Polymer Additive Manufacturing market size

What is the polymer Additive Manufacturing market size?

Polymer Additive Manufacturing was a key element to overcome the global COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The technology of polymer Additive Manufacturing was highlighted by the media for its capability of suppling medical goods quickly, where and when they were needed. Additive Manufacturing was broadly used to overcome the lack of availability for certain goods suddenly spiking in demand. Most prominent example is the manufacturing of nasal swabs or face shields as the traditional production lines were not available or able to cover the demand on such short notice. Overall, the AM community demonstrated the advantages and capabilities of the technology in such scenarios.
Nevertheless, most suppliers from the polymer AM industry reported a near to flat year in 2020, reaching an overall market value of EUR 5.14 billion. However, parallel to the general economic recovery in 2021 and beyond, the AM market expects to go back to its strong growth of the past. Suppliers expect a CAGR of 15.4 % over the next 5 years.

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